Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Job searching

The last couple weeks of November and the beginning of December I was applying for and interviewing for new jobs. All summer I had been looking for and applying to jobs in the sports world, baseball, hockey, and all the minor leagues in both of those sports but their entry level positions all wanted at least one year of experience in the sporting world. Which clearly is an issue since I have none. So I began applying for marketing positions that were not in the sports world. I had two interviews that came from this. One was with a company that did direct marketing for AT&T and the other was at a company that did direct marketing in the sports and entertainment industry. The company that worked for AT&T was an outside sales job that had employees go door to door trying to get people to sign up for a free trial of AT&T U-Verse. I was offered that job, but turned it down because door to door sucks enough as it is, but I would have been starting in the winter, which would make it that much worse. So there was no way that was happening.

The other job sounded a lot better when I first interviewed. But the second interview showed me that it was essentially the same thing as the first one, the only difference being I would have to go out and go door to door to businesses. I went out to shadow a couple guys doing this and they were selling a packet of coupons to fuddruckers. We got kicked out of target and had to go into all the businesses in an area and try to sell these things to them. Again, not my thing at all. So I decided that I was just going to do the usual thing during the winter for now. My boss offered to pay for my car repairs for my bonus and got a grand in advance for the winter and go on unemployment. So I am going to do that and in March I am going to apply for the Career Introductory Program with the Baltimore Orioles and pray like crazy that I get accepted into that. That would at least get my foot in the door in the sports industry.

I have also been dabbling with the idea of getting into ticket broking. My buddy suggested it and it sounded really interesting so I looked into it and I think I would really enjoy it. I bought a couple tickets to a couple events to try my hand at it and see how it goes. Hopefully it goes well for me. If any of you have any ideas or suggestions let me know. I will move pretty much anywhere! That is pretty much what has been going on over here. Lets hope something comes up in the job category.